So in addition to Current Feature List, here is the list of additional features coming in GridGain 3.0 product line (as you see, we have been busy ;-)
GridGain 3.0 Community Edition
Distributed Cache
- Local and Fully-Replicated caches.
- Zero-Deployment - cached objects and classes are automatically deployed to all grid nodes.
- Full Replication and Invalidation modes.
- Distributed transactions including Optimistic and Pessimistic modes.
- One-Phase and Two-Phase commit.
- Feather-weight Eventually Consistent transactions.
- Distributed locking.
- Cache data disk-overflow using file-based GridSwapSpaceSPI implementation.
- Read-Through and Write-Through modes with pluggable persistent storage.
- Pluggable expiration policies including LRU, LFU, FIFO, or user-specified.
- Synchronous and Asynchronous cache operations, including asynchronous transaction commit.
- Cache metrics and cache event notifications.
- Synchronous and Asynchronous cache warm-up from other grid nodes on start-up.
- Cache warm-up from persistent storage on start-up.
- Full integration with GridGain MapReduce implementation.
- Integration with Hibernate Level2 cache.
- One of the richest Cache API on the market including support for functional programming with closures and predicates.
- Node discovery based on list of initial IPs.
- Amazon S3-based automatic node discovery.
- Support for Continuous Mapping (even after initial split).
- Task scheduling.
- Ability to swap large objects to disk for tasks with large memory consumption.
- Many other bug fixes and enhancements.
GridGain 3.0 Enterprise Edition
(in addition to all features from community edition)
Partitioned Cache
- Partitioned Cache based on consistent hashing key-to-node assignment.
- Zero-Deployment - cached objects and classes are automatically deployed to all grid nodes.
- Integration with GridGain MapReduce for collocation of computations and data.
- Pluggable consistent hashing algorithms.
- Cache data disk overflow based on H2 database with support for data encryption.
- Distributed query support based on standard SQL syntax.
- Distributed query support for combination of in-memory and on-disk data
- Custom indexes for queried data with optional overflow to disk for large indexes (including data encryption for overflown indexes).
- Optional data affinity replicas for redundancy.
- Load-balancing or data and computation requests among replicas.
- Group based discovery with support for extremely large and partially connected clusters.
- Support for no-connectivity and one-way connectivity between groups.
- Heterogeneous support for joining different clouds and private data centers into one coherent grid.
- Merge support for disconnected clouds.
- Java-based consistent API for controlling any cloud (including Amazon EC2).
- Ability to control multiple clouds at the same time.
- Configurable strategies for adding and removing cloud resources based on current system characteristics.
- Seemless support for starting/stopping grid nodes on the cloud.
- Data encryption for disk swap space for task with large memory consumption.
- Custom shell for grid monitoring and management.
- Ability to script any grid operation.
- Simple per-per-use model - if grid node is not used, you don't pay.
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