For those who are not familiar with GridGain, it is an open source distributed data grid product mainly focusing on distributed in-memory caching, distributed computations, and streaming. It generally addresses all sorts of performance and scalability challenges for business applications by bringing and caching data in memory and allowing to compute on it.
With release 6.1.9, GridGain significantly simplified its installation and deployment. GridGain now allows for:
- One Click Installation:
The product simply has to be downloaded and unzipped. After that it is ready to be used. - One Jar Dependency:
GridGain now has only one mandatory dependency - gridgain-6.1.9.jar. All other jars are optional.
Essentially, you still have support for the same set of features, like Spring configuration, or Hibernate L2 cache, but you don't have to have dependency on Spring or Hibernate, or anything else, unless you start using it. To add a dependency to GridGain, simply drag and drop a corresponding folder from "libs/optional" to "libs/" folder. For example, to add log4j dependency, drag "libs/optional/gridgain-log4j" folder into "libs" folder.
Here is how GridGain 6.1.9 structure looks with only one mandatory gridgain-6.1.9.jar file. Note that in the example below, gridgain-indexing and gridgain-spring modules are located in the "libs/" folder, and therefore are enabled.
You can download GridGain 6.1.9 Open Source edition here:
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